RIVERA ROCKCRUSHER · Load Box and attenuation for amplifying power up to 120 W RMS · Natural sound at every volume · Impedance: 8 and 16 Ohm
6 voicings to choose from. 3 outs which can be run simultaneously which include Direct XLR balanced and ¼” unbalanced out and line Out (no EQ) unbalanced
Anyone here who has experience with the Rivera RockCrusher into the silent sister but some are the rock crusher line out into two-notes.
7 Jun 2011 And in the form of the RockCrusher, Rivera has built an attenuator that followed by an unbalanced 1/4" line out, two speaker output jacks, and
Buy Rivera RockCrusher Power Attenuator Load Box 8/16_ 120W: Heads or unbalanced ¼” line out to another amp as a slave, or even send its output to a
16 Mar 2015 I have a Rivera Rockcrusher. I record from the Rivera line output into an Apogee One into Logic, using Redwirez IRs. My opinion is that the tone
Rivera RockCrusher Power Attenuator and Load Box Gold Edition. EUR 447, The Level meter allows you to monitor either the power input or the line output.
Featuring 6 sought after voicings, 4/8/16 ohm impedance selector switch (for a perfect match with any amp), balanced XLR and unbalanced direct out, no EQ line
Congratulations and welcome to the Rivera® family of outstanding products! experience many years of enjoyment with the RockCrusher Recording. Line Out Level: For controlling the level of Balanced XLR and Unbalanced Line Output
Rivera built into the RockCrusher a reactive load network for proper or unbalanced ¼” line out to another amp as a slave, or even send its output to a mixer for
The Rivera Rock Crusher lets you turn up the tube amp to the sweetest tonal as a load box while sending out the balanced XLR or the unbalanced ¼” line out
3 Apr 2012 Rivera RockCrusher Power AttenuatorFor more info on this product its balanced XLR or unbalanced ¼" line out to another amp as a slave,
¼” line out to another amp as a slave, or even send its output to a mixer for recording or live performance. We have designed and built the RockCrusher to be
There''s also a level knob for the line out.Rear Panel: Input from amp, 2 speaker jacks and two line out jacks: balanced (XLR) and unbalanced (1/4" jack)Build
¼” line out to another amp as a slave, or even send its output to a mixer for recording or live performance. We have designed and built the RockCrusher to be
6 Mar 2015 I''m running my Rockcrusher via XLR to my interface, and depending on the line out level, the tone varies a lot. If it''s at noon, it sounds much
Rivera RockCrusher Recording, Attenuator and Load Box for Tube Amps, Load XLR and unbalanced line outputs with level control; Low and high frequency
11 Oct 2018 The RockCrusher features edge and warm switches, plus attenuation, studio level and line-out level knobs. RECOMMENDED VIDEOS FOR
16 Feb 2017 Rivera Rockcrusher vs Rockcrusher Recording - XLR output quality? by another means (a little in-line attenuator- an inexpensive item).